Black Adam

Black Adam is a fictional character from the DC Comics universe. Created by Otto Binder and C. C. Beck in 1945, Black Adam is known for being the antagonist of Shazam, a superhero with superhuman powers. In comic book stories, Black Adam is often described as a cruel and selfish being, willing to do anything to achieve his goals.

Despite his merciless nature, Black Adam is considered by some fans to be one of the most complex and interesting characters in the DC universe. With his rich history and complex motivations, Black Adam has become one of the most popular villains in the comic book industry.

In film and television adaptations, Black Adam has been played by actors such as Arnold Vosloo and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who bring a new level of charisma and menace to the screen. In conclusion, Black Adam is a character that has marked the history of comic books and continues to fascinate fans with its aura of mystery and danger.